
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saved $38 at Target! Plus $10 in gas from CVS!

Stockpile - SCHMOCK PILE. ;-)

OK - I did actually buy a few salad dressings this time (6) - however I did not "clear the shelves" so to speak- there were plenty left for everyone else. I liked this deal cause I could get different flavors of dressing. I got ranch - cucumber ranch- italian lite and spicy italian ( good as marinade) and a raspberry vinagrette and a thousand island.

I paid .69¢ a bottle (for 6) by stacking a manufacturer coupon on top of the target deal.

Kraft 16 oz dressing was $ 1.69.  So I used 2 different coupons on each set of bottles.

        1/2 Kraft dressing, 14 oz. +, RP 5/15 (RED PLUM newspaper insert dated 5/15) I had 3 papers- so I cut 3 coupons. 
Target Store coupon of :  $1/2 Kraft Italian salad dressing, 16 oz +, (Target coupon)  I only got got 1 set of Italians
PLUS 2 prints of "any" dressing flavor -$1/2 Kraft salad dressing, 16 oz, (Target coupon)

So each set of two had $2 off - making each bottle .69¢

Yippee- I will not need dressing again for 3-4 months - well until they expire anyway.
I didn't come up with this on my own- I followed the match ups sent from Southern Savers. I do subscribe to several- but I like the flexibility of printing the shopping list and removing any coupons I don't have so I don't waste paper. They even allow you add items- like my fresh fruit and milk and bread (had a .50¢ coupon for bread too!)

I have a hard time sometimes remembering to shop my normal "list" since I am so determined to find my coupon steals! HARD to focus on both - this print list helps me to make sure I remember all of my items!

I had a similar deal on KC BBQ sauce - but all the smallest bottles that would have been .28¢ were gone- I had to get the larger bottle and it was I think .89¢. I opted to only buy 2 instead of the planned 3 (I didn't have a big need- but we will use it when grilling this summer.)

ON to CVS- I paired up a few items in their "buy $30 - get $10 in gas" section with coupons I had on hand- to get $5.00 off of my $30 spent.. and I got $10 back- so all in all it was like I spent $15 and got $30 worth. Always scan your card before you shop- I got another health and beauty $5 off coupon and that changed the way I shopped for that trip. 

I was a bit disappointed that there were not any coupons in this week's paper- perhaps due to Memorial Day holiday weekend. MAYBE double the coupons in next week's paper. I am really enjoying the concept of letting CVS buy my next papers- so I get more coupons for free. 

I am getting better- this time I combined my trip with both CVS and Target so I didn't 
waste more gas on 2 trips- takes more time- but I used my coupon for $1 off a sonic breakfast in between shops! ;-) 

All in all a great trip- saving $38 at Target. It takes time to find and cut the coupons...
but I feel it is WORTH IT! 

The trick is not to look at the inserts and start cutting. i was using the coupons i found BEFORE they went on sale or i could stack with a target coupon etc. I did save .55c or so- but if I waited I could have saved 2-3xs that amount. So now I wait. I print online ones but only if I know WE WILL use those coupons. Like yogurts and snack bars and cereal etc.  

Hope that helps!

Bless you! 
Bless me! 

Check out the blogs on the top right side and follow them to get your advance notice of Sunday's coupons!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I got paid to buy toothpaste!

Ok- so I am finally getting the handle on the stacking and the specials.
BONUS- I used my "free money" ECBs from CVS to buy another paper today.
Since I don't have a subscription... I used their money to get more coupons to save more $$.

Kinda creepy- a never ending savings circle.
I might make a habit of that on SUNDAYs when I shop.

OK- so I finally got PAID to buy something.
This toothpaste was on sale/ special with card  at CVS-
so I got ECBs which made it free and then used $1.00 off coupon
for each tube of toothpaste (limit 2)
and I actually got paid $2 to buy them!
(Well OK- I used the $2 off to buy something else-
shampoo I wanted actually- but Free money is free money!)

They would not have handed me the two bucks in cash- but I can spend ECBs the next time I shop!

Hard thing for me was DRIVING to CVS for like 8 things-
even though my toothpaste was
a deal and my deodorant was like $1 each..
I spent gas and time to drive over there..
wish I had a closer CVS. it isn't THAT far...
but far enough to make me pause anyway.

Oh yeah- I got .25¢ credit too for using my "green" shopping bag.

Over $300 worth in coupons in this week's paper!


I am learning!